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The Art of Meditation!

This easy guide to the foundations of meditation is a guide and starting place to get your first (or twentieth) attempt at learning how to meditate in flow with ease and flow!

Following the steps offered here, will bring you the clarity and calm in your mind you have been looking for.   The course material supports your journey with lots of bonuses added in!

Remember that you can create a calm and happy mind.  You create your perceptions and views of the world, now it's time to intentionally create a life you love!  

Learn how to master your mind, not let it master you.  Take control of that runaway train, reign the monkey mind in and get in flow with the magic that is your life. 


Enjoy this journey into meditation!

Art of MeditationMaster your mind and achieve true peace and clarity
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What's included...

  • Immediate 24-hour online access to the revolutionary signature course, The Art Of Alchemy (Value $1997)

  • Workbook to enhance your learning journey. (Value $47)

  • PDF of Mindful Minutes to guide your mindfulness practice. (Value $10)

  • Over 10 Meditations to deepen your daily practice. (Value $100)

  • 10+ meditations and guides to anchor your learnings each and every day (Value $100)

  • Powerful Lenses planner to set up a daily structure for success! (Value $197)

  • Daily Ritual guide and meditation (Value $97)

  • LIFE TIME ACCESS to this course and recordings! This is unheard of! (Priceless)

**BONUS! ** Immediate access to the ground breaking transformational course Magnetic Mind Masterclass (Value $2997)

Taught by Tricia’s mentor and teacher Christopher Duncan, Author of “You’re Not Broken” and founder of Conscious Education Company. Become magnetized to the inevitable manifestation of the life you desire living.

Create a life you love with a magnetic mind!

All of this amazing content could easily be offered for $3250!!

Your $199 investment over 90% off what all this could cost!

These are all my gifts to you so you can take your life back today.

Have you downloaded the FREE e-book yet?

7 Secrets to the Alchemy of Change

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