Introducing In-Person

Cellular Recode Experience!

Do you feel stuck in a stressful situation?

Is your life less than you want it to be?

Have you tried different courses and seminars to connect to your

inner light and happiness only to loose that connection?

The Cellular Recode will create massive shifts for your mind, body and soul!


Move out of old trauma and away from old emotions.

You can finally live a life you love!

This in person session will create the shift you have been looking for!

The process you are about to encounter will change your life forever!

Combining 17+ years of studying quantum reality, meditation, and Neuro programming, I have created a magical mind, body and spirit journey beyond anything you have ever experienced!

The Cellular Recode create shifts away from old trauma and emotions, so you can finally live a life you love!

The in-person experience of a Cellular Recode will connect you to all levels of your consciousness. You begin to create your life, rather than live from the restriction and limitation we constantly experience.

The Cellular Recode Process has been created to shift your focus, quickly, from all the problems in life to living life full of ease, happiness and joy! Faster than hypnotherapy, NLP, or just meditation, this process gives you an immediate sensation of relief and connection to your desires and dreams!

After this transformational process, you will leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with a clear path to achieve your goals.

Using advanced skills as a Reiki Master Teacher, moving the life force energy we all have, and processes rooted in acupressure, cranial sacral therapy, accupressure and NLP, I will guide you to complete coherence with the mind, body and spirit.

The intuitive guidance received during the sessions is unique and specific to each individual's needs.

You will leave the session finally connected to the truth of who you are!
Magnificent wonderful YOU! And how you desire to feel with a clear path forward to live a life of your dreams!

I look forward to sharing this journey with you!!

In-Person First-Time Cellular Recode SessionThe Cellular Recode and other processes create shifts away from old trauma and emotions, so you can finally live a life you love!
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What's included with your in person experience...

  • Clients leave with a personalized meditation, created just for you!

  • You will experience an essential oil sensory journey of your choosing. Leave with a crystal that represents the journey you experienced to reconnect and anchor at any time!

  • You will leave the session with a renewed connection to a life full of happiness, ease and joy!

Have you downloaded the FREE e-book yet?

7 Secrets to the Alchemy of Change

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